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MyPitah commented at 2016-04-23 14:03:06 » #1937846

What a low quality edit, and so far i don't remember ever having commented that before.

The blood coming from the mouth and eye make sense in the original manga panel Madara's face come from but here, no reason. And in the meantime, the body Madara has is not the right one. Where is his Hashirama implant ? Instead we have here a bland torso and body with a scanned Madara head stolen but not arranged to fit the mood.

Kaguya feels the same way, expect i don't remember her having that expression in the manga which leads me to saying that face and pose were "stolen" from either a hentai or someone else's pic. Though i could be wrong on that one, unlike Madara for which i'm positive. Still, her left flank is so badly drawn you can't really tell where her torso stops and where Madara's torso starts

All in all, a pretty bad edit.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-28 01:22:12 » #1940446

Shut the fuck up and just fap already!

1 Points Flag