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MyPitah commented at 2016-05-01 02:20:12 » #1942307

Before linking us an "evidence" for your theory, make sure it's not a photoshopped one, and preferably one from an objective source. I doubt a source called "God Madara" will say anything objective about him... :-°

Even so, using the second part of your link, the monochrome comparisions one, what do we see ? That both susanoos have a human-sized forehead cristal to host the user that cover the entire avatar forehead, that the avatar eye is the same size as Kurama's full sized eye, and that thanks to the mecanics of something called "perspective" a flying off and away fully formed susanoo has to be drawned about same size as a closing in susanoo in formation, meaning the last comparision is meaningless by nature as you're not comparing them on the same turn.

So... yeah. It's easy to purposefully misread what you have to reach the conclusion you want to reach, but in doing so you loose the credibility of your speach, as people will inevitably pick up the many things that will keep failing to add up. If you want to grow, let your theories evolve with whatever hints and evidence you get, don't remain rigid in a theory that may just get denouced as wrong in the end. And you will see : the more possibilities you see this way, the better you feel when you end up being right about one of your predictions. ;)

1 Points Flag
MyPitah commented at 2016-05-05 02:47:15 » #1944445

That's the whole point regarding the size, anon. Perfect Susanoo is Bijuu-sized, and a fully formed Bijuu is roughly mountain-sized. :)

1 Points Flag
MASTERIO commented at 2016-05-06 08:47:51 » #1945126

Susanoo Madara 800m minimum

8 Points Flag
MASTERIO commented at 2016-05-06 08:49:12 » #1945128

Sasuke Susano dwarf. its size is no longer legs Madara Susano

9 Points Flag