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Anonymous commented at 2020-03-19 04:55:37 » #2503446

I think later in the story, they should visit Kazuma's world = our world and see it all for themselves for a time.

Aqua knows about it more or less already = but I wonder how the other two and several others accompanying them would react to our own and all the trouble they'll get themselves into, if they need to get transported there for a important adventure/mission/quest to retrieve something of importance for their world.

There's so much potential in story for it down the lines, that I think they should use this for down the road eventfully that it might make it interesting for about half a dozen episodes at least or more when the time comes.

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Blulaz commented at 2021-03-01 09:15:23 » #2595643

There's actually a drama CD side story where Kazuma and his party temporarily sent to modern Japan

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Shirogawa commented at 2022-03-02 17:54:02 » #2692942

I know that bridge....

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