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Anonymous commented at 2016-05-24 23:34:14 » #1956372

Why? WHY?! Why did it have to be Wally's Ralts?

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-25 10:59:22 » #1956611

I spent more time hunting for this little one more than any other Pokemon in that Route when I was younger but I never got it instead the game saw fit to bless me with 4 Shiny Zigzagoon and 5 Shiny Wurmple instead You wanna talk about infuriating?

But :3 That Dexnav in ORAS makes it sooooo much easier it's not even funny

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-25 23:29:30 » #1956942

^ Dude, you do realize you're complaining about getting 9 shinies, right? Granted, they aren't the best pokemon. Just take the shinies your given and be happy you found one at all. I say anon 1 has a point; nothing's worse than encountering a shiny that you literally cannot catch.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-26 03:02:08 » #1957008

^ Shiny pokemon aren't actually all that difficult to get all it takes is patience and in the case of certain Pokemon Preparation

I've personally hunted every non-locked Legendary a few starters and encountered several others all within about a Years time just about. All you need is Time and Patience

2 Points Flag
MyPitah commented at 2016-05-26 03:42:09 » #1957020

^ Depends on the game. I've only met one shiny pokemon in gen2 (aside from the in-story gyarados) games despite having all 3 versions and having restarted them all several times, despite my years-long attempts (i'm recently restarted gen1 and gen2 games again, one last time). More recent games tend to introduce special mecanics to increase shiny encounter probability.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-26 10:00:49 » #1957118

I caught a Shiny Weedle in Pokemon X and I never deleted that file. That Beedrill became one of my strongest pokemon, kicked Lysandre's Mega Gyarados's ass, and took me through Victory Road.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-26 11:12:35 » #1957132

I got a buddy online that is like obsessed with shiny Pokemon Last I checked he has caught like at least 300 he makes videos on youtube of all his captures and encounters

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-26 19:04:10 » #1957321

@Anon 4 Amen to that! That's what I keep telling the kids I babysit. I was actually hunting for Tornadus while trying to teach them and while explaining it to them, he appeared shiny right before our eyes. So I told them "Told ya so."

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-26 23:48:59 » #1957482

Shinies aren't difficult to get now, but originally it was beyond painful to hunt them. Since their introduction though, the programmers have been making it easier and easier to find one.
Wally getting a shiny Ralts was possible in the original gen 3 games, when shinies were still hard to come by. Hence why it sucked when it happened.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-27 00:50:52 » #1957516

Wally getting the Shiny Ralt still isn't nearly as bad as the uncatchable shiny Poochyena...

@Anon 2 If you're complaining about getting 9 shinys then either you're ungrateful or you were already an experianced hunter and were just sharing a frustrating personal experiance relavent to the Picture here. Which I'm guessing it's the latter otherwise I doubt you'd have the patience to keep going in that route and would have moved onto breeding and if you ever come back to this picture I'd like to hear what the reason is purely for quenching my own curiousity.

0 Points Flag