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Anonymous commented at 2016-06-24 14:14:11 » #1974777

And here we can see a pig in captivity, starving, and ready to cannibalize its own. She checks around her quickly to make sure no one is watching so she wont be judged for the heinous act.

6 Points Flag
MyPitah commented at 2016-06-24 14:24:58 » #1974781

Now, Anon, just because she has some physical health issues does not mean she's worthy of being insulted, you know... Calling someone a "pig" for overweight reasons is very low.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-24 14:41:45 » #1974788

Now normally I'd say "Spot the tumblr" but you aren't being combative, so I'll concede the point. Comparing this sow-like creature to an animal that can actually do something is very wrong of me. It is unfortunate that there are people here that continue pressuring poor people who could look nice into over eating and becoming overly obese such as this girl just for their terrible, harmful fetishes.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-24 16:27:59 » #1974841

I'd handcuff this chubby honey and do her something funny!

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-24 20:01:58 » #1974950

You have no way of knowing how healthy she is. It will probably shock you to learn that obese people can be perfectly healthy. Fat people live longer, are more likely to survive cardiac events, and several studies indicate that fat can actually protect against cancers, high blood pressure, and diabetes. The problem isn't weight, it's a bad diet and sedentary lifestyle -- which is JUST as likely in thin people as fat ones. It's a question of fitness, not weight -- and weight does NOT indicate fitness. If you've ever watched an NFL game, you should know that already.

27 Points Flag
Joe commented at 2016-06-24 20:58:43 » #1974974

@Anon1 You talk like fat people are a cancer on society, when in actuality it's people like you who judge books by their covers that are.

30 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-24 21:00:51 » #1974975

Fat chick defense force. Always at the ready.

1 Points Flag
lana_rain commented at 2016-06-24 21:01:35 » #1974978

I admire her courage for being that heavy and still doing what she enjoys.

16 Points Flag
SakuraJD commented at 2016-06-24 21:36:38 » #1974988

i still dont get why people seem to dislike this cosplay, the actual character is pretty wide too. seems like a good cosplay to me.

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-24 22:17:21 » #1975006

My disgust for her is purely the rage of the fat defense force. But I am more concerned as the one anon has these made up statistics with absolutely no proof. On top of that, getting to the size she is usually borders on the fact that there is something mentally wrong, such as depression or some other illness. Being Happy doesn't guarantee thinness, but it does dictate that you wont be THIS obese. I personally know about this having lost nearly 50 kilos when I finally found the positive in my wife leaving me.

3 Points Flag