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lana_rain commented at 2016-06-24 22:28:19 » #1975015

I completely agree with what you're saying anon and being obese is definitely not healthy but you have to consider that people are weak in some aspects and strong in others (for instance, that fact she can even do these photo shoots). Also i'd to point out that ''EVERYONE'' has issues, just because you see something you consider a flaw in her doesn't make it any different than yours or my flaws.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-24 22:40:07 » #1975020

Yes, everyone has issues, but as I said here, my only hate for her is her followers; the guys that sit there and fetishize someone slowly killing themselves. Just because she can be "brave" and do these photoshoots means nothing. Everytime she gets the prints she is probably reminded of how overweight she is. Next she has douchebags coming up to her and creepily telling her that she needs to be fatter while similar douchebags do the whole fat-shaming schtick. Its an unbelieveable cycle that people here, while probably never in contact with her personally, are pushing on people like her. My point here is to fetish shame and remind people about how bad this is for her. If you really want, I can give you a well educated guess of how this cycle is slowly destroying her, as I do remember when she was just a little chubby and would do nude, but now wont do anything besides her tits.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-24 23:43:05 » #1975038

Here, not-made-up sources:


If you don't bother reading those, at least read this one:

And seriously, think about this for a second. If trying to shame people into being thin actually worked, literally nobody would be fat. You're not helping anyone, you're just being sanctimonious and rude.

17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-24 23:55:26 » #1975040

If a complete strangers weight or the people that defend her weight bother you that much then I suggest 2 thing you need to do, get off your computer and find psychiatric help immediately because you need help quickly, or GET THE FUCK OVER IT! seriously will you getting enraged by her defenders change anything? nope!

If you have some personal beef (no pun intended) with fat people that's on you, even though it's insane anyway people come in all shapes and sizes so fucking accept it.

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-25 00:17:51 » #1975053

Lets clear one thing up @#1975038. After reading most of those reports, its made well and clear about one thing. Overweight is fine, Obese is not. It even says in the second line of the first link that only overweight people show this ability. I am fine with overweight, this girl in this pic is overly obviously obese. Also, lets consider the fact that so many people die of their first heart attack, on top that 20% of people die on their first heart attack; assuming they even know the signs and can get help. Lets also consider the amount of damage just ONE attack can do, I don't think I need to explain to you all the details on just how bad a heart attack is. One thing that I didn't see in the reports, is how many of the OVERWEIGHT participants had life style changes post attack. And finally, lets remember the number of studies that have come out do not definitively mean that fat people live longer; it says right there in the WebMD. To associate fat people with longer life at this moment is like believing that Vaccines give you Autism. Now kindly go back reread them and/or get fucking educated.

How many times do I have to state it @#1975040? I'm merely here to point out to the idiots that think this is okay. Albeit, I haven't been quite so clear because the tumblr fat defense force jump is surprisingly quick and its hard to keep up with all the sausage hands.

2 Points Flag
leejunne commented at 2016-06-25 02:13:46 » #1975091

Funny thing is you picked a good day to get this upset over nothing - it's her birthday!

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-25 02:29:04 » #1975101

Lol upset. I've been laughing at how mad you guys have gotten. You guys literally used wrong information to prove your invalid points. The only valid point that's been made against me is to fap or get out; which is fine since its Gelbooru.

But its nice to see you at least posting some better quality pictures, rather than the old early 2000s phone photos you were posting.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-25 02:55:50 » #1975111

happy birthday mika, then !

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-25 22:59:18 » #1975540

Can a mod explain why my comment was deleted? I dont think I broke any rules ....

2 Points Flag
Jerl commented at 2016-06-25 23:52:02 » #1975568

Only the mod who deleted it can. When a comment is deleted, it's completely gone; we have no way of seeing what it said or why it was deleted, just who it was deleted by and at what time.

2 Points Flag