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Anonymous commented at 2016-06-26 01:14:14 » #1975602

Ok, this is REALLY getting old!! That's enough, we have it with you haters keep down vote Hinata! Just accept it! GET OVER IT!!

100 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-26 05:32:52 » #1975678

@Anonymous 1975602: Pretty sure it's mainly just one person with no life taking advantage of the system. You're right about it getting old though.

91 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-26 06:54:48 » #1975702

@Anon2 How did you know that is only one person doing this?

84 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-26 07:51:58 » #1975715

not anon2, but i've noticed that the downvotes usually come in very quickly, like within a minute or two of each other; if it were several people, it seems unlikely that they'd all coordinate their downvoting efforts to take place at the exact same time. also comments about the downvoting tick steadily up, as people naturally see and upvote them, and then suddenly drop into the negatives all at once, which seems more like the action of one person using bots or proxies than an actual genuine majority opinion.

of course it's entirely possible that one person notices something naruto-related which has a positive score and sends out an emergency notice to all their buddies, who immediately swoop in to make sure the votes stay down. personally, i prefer to think it's just one person -- it's foolishly optimistic of me, but i'd like to believe there are hardly any people who would dedicate themselves to such a pointless task.

88 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-26 15:09:45 » #1975894

^ Yeah, well this is getting really annoying! Is there a way to get rid of that? >B(

86 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-26 15:33:01 » #1975907

Better yet, who's a culprit?

83 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-26 15:36:24 » #1975908

according to what various mods have said, there really isn't at the moment. just shift your thinking -- this dude (dudette?) is trying to piss people off, and he's succeeding. instead, find the humor in it.

for over a month, someone out there has made a project of ensuring every naruto image and pro-naruto comment

(a shonen manga)

(that has ended)

(posted to a site that most people use for PORN)

has a negative score

which has no impact whatsoever on whether people can still see those images

and is such an -incredibly- easy number to rig that it utterly fails to uphold the illusion of many people sharing an opinion

especially when people already know the vote is rigged

which basically every single person who uses gelbooru on a regular basis does.

you know Wizard of Oz, the little man behind the curtain frantically pulling levers to maintain his broken illusion? this is basically that, except there was never a curtain in the first place.

(there are other interpretations of the downvoter's behaviour, obvs, but i like this one because it's funny. the others are very sincerely depressing, and i hope none of them are accurate.)

81 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-26 16:47:30 » #1975944

It's not a person or small group of people who are just anti-Naruto altogether, look at the recent Sakura pics and specifically NaruSaku pics that don't have this problem. The characters most under attack are Hinata and Sasuke and that's not a coincidence of course, just typical angry shippers.

83 Points Flag