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bobojojohohokoko commented at 2021-11-22 17:04:43 » #2666252

Honestly, this is EXACTLY how I'd expect EVERYONE in Nazarick to react if Ainz actually accurately explained the morality of their actions.
Seriously, the NPC's do NOT understand morality as we do, or even as the humans of the New World do, and they're mostly bigoted assholes.
Honestly, the only ones who might be a little...uneasy...with Nazarick's...activities...might be Yuri Alpha, Sebas Tian, & Mare-kun.
Aura-chan might not want her brother to feel...uncomfortable...but in the end, I'm certain she'd choose Ainz over her brother.
I mean, it's not like they'd care overmuch, "Ainz is all" after all, but still, the NPC's of Nazarick genuinely seem to be morally ignorant.
It's to be expected of course, given that they ARE NPC's after all, but still, the point remains, they just don't get that they are evil at times.
Regardless, I still love 'em all to death, even if I can't really stomach this series any more. And Lupusregina Beta will always be my best girl!

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