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geneyuss3 commented at 2016-08-18 21:05:34 » #2005461

Swing music. Jazz. Phooey!

Ah, bublichas, how difference in my native willage. Soft music, wiolins, the happy peoples sitting on their balalaikas, playing their samovars.

And then, there was Cucaracha. Ah, Cucaracha: so round, so firm, so fully packed, and so easy on the draw. They would sink to me a little gypsy love song, like this.


CUCARA-CHA! Cucaracha, cucaracha - hoo hoo hoo hoo! Cucaracha, cucaracha - hoohoohoohoo!

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jedi1357 commented at 2016-08-18 23:36:38 » #2005552


The gatekeeper is setting the mood

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