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RugCarpet commented at 2016-09-26 16:15:58 » #2025503

Well I like it. I came for huge tits. I got huge tits. I like Hinata because she makes good fap material. The show sucks. The fans suck. The twat-waffle using bots to downvote everything with Hinata in it sucks.

17 Points Flag
kingsebek commented at 2016-09-26 17:29:46 » #2025540

Hinata isn't one of my favorites, but guys, there is no downvote bot. And if you like something different: find it, post it, or MAKE IT YOURSELF! Can we go back to fapping please?

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-09-26 17:31:31 » #2025543

Considering there've been times when comments and images have, over the course of a few minutes, acquired or lost dozens of up or downvotes, yes, there are ways to exploit the vote system.

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-09-26 17:31:56 » #2025544

"There is no downvote bot", he says, while multiple comments show clear signs of botting.

As will this one in a short while.

13 Points Flag
d_fox879 commented at 2016-10-01 16:46:59 » #2027660


Maybe they're downvoting stuff like that because they don't like it. I personally don't like the father/son incest crap, but I don't give a fuck about the guy/guy shit either way.

That make me a racist, too?

29 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-11-24 13:01:39 » #2053745


Racism? What a dumb twat you are. People downvote what they don't like and most people, even many gay men, aren't into incest porn, even on this site. You're a minority of an extreme minority if you like that shit. People also tend to downvote loli and pedo shit, as well they should, especially if they don't like it. A lot of gay images get downvoted simply because a majority of users on this site aren't going to be gay, considering that the total US population of gay men alone is estimated to be less than 2% total, and probably much less in most other parts of the world, so go fuck yourself with your "racism" bullshit. There's a difference between not enjoying gay porn and especially gay incest porn and hating people because they're homosexual. Personally I don't bother to downvote gay porn or any porn that is a niche or fetish that I don't like because I know it isn't targeted at me but there's nothing wrong with people expressing their opinion about not liking something they see here. I personally like plump/curvy/BBW porn and it gets downvoted all the time... but hey, not everyone likes it and that's ok, I'm not going to cry about it.

5 Points Flag