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Anonymous commented at 2016-10-22 09:28:06 » #2037725

We really need to know who made this.
It's hot as hell.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-10-22 12:06:01 » #2037796

Why you like loli, but not real loli, when loli is like real loli but drawn, explain?

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-10-22 23:39:44 » #2038071

It's simple, because no real girl will ever be harmed.
It's just a fantasy of incest or the like that is interesting to think about.
Actually performing sexual acts with an under aged girl will never happen.
Not because it's considered taboo and or illegal, but because it's disgusting and disrespectful to the undeveloped unknowing girl, despite her knowing what the act is and what it's about.
She's simply not old enough to make a decision on such actions yet, because her brain is still developing and forming sexual opinions and desires at that age.
It's basic Biology.
But the fantasy of incest or the like won't harm a soul.
Get it?

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-10-22 23:46:19 » #2038072

In other words, if you take advantage of a girl that is still developing, you're fucking mental. And not in a good way.

10 Points Flag