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Anonymous commented at 2016-11-05 20:44:33 » #2045211

What's even more hilarious to me, is that people are STILL bitching about the canon couples TWO MOTHERFUCKING YEARS AFTER THE SERIES ENDED.

The problem has always been Kishimoto. He doesn't know
shit about relationships. But yet, people always attack some nonexistent characters. Both NaruHina and SasuSaku are an utter mess because Kishimoto is a fucking moron, when it comes to romance. Get that through your thick skulls, you bunch of dipshits. Maybe start redirecting your criticism where it belongs: Your lord and savior Masashi Kishimoto; your oh-so-beloved Messiah.

As much as they suck, NaruHina and SasuSaku are canon. Now, get the fuck over it, and move the fuck along, you annoying fanturds.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-01-10 04:10:35 » #2078439

i'll say it again since you people are obviously too thick headed and believe in what all the 12 year olds started when the series was aired on toonami.
"No and no; read the fucking manga again you idiots. Sakura in the past has let him walk all over here but up to the time at the end she did the best she could to stop him. She even tried to take it in her own hands to kill him off due to the fact he was digging his own grave. But yet you guys still sit here and say the same old shit and can't see that your points have been either debunked or thrown out the window by Kishimoto himself."

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-01-10 04:15:46 » #2078441

If you guys actually looked at interviews and got your facts straight I would definetly believe you but obviously you all think Sakura was just used to reproduce Sasuke's clan. (in which they only had one fucking kid and Sasuke even stated himself that Sarada is proof of SasuSaku's love) and Sasuke's VA that has known about how the manga was going to end since day 2 of his voice recordings and has been close to Kishimoto ever since, like Junko. He reflected on the moment when Sasuke apologizes to Sakura in a interview, "This was when Sasuke realized that he not only had loved her romantically but also he felt a love more deeply than their bonds.” (Sugiyama Noriaki)

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-01-10 04:18:56 » #2078443

So yeah, maybe if I didn't have to defend these two for the past 10 years of my life against 12 year olds who kept saying Sakura was useless and Sasuke should die and they both deserve misery I wouldn't be so irritated but damn it has been 2 fucking years now since it ended. Get the fuck over it.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-02-10 15:39:43 » #2094834

@ Anons ^, Say what you will about Sasuke and Sakura, I'm just glad Naruto married and has kids with someone who cares about him for the flawed person he is, and not someone who put him down, toyed with his (initial) feelings, and generally treated him like trash while he was nothing but kind and protective of her, all while being shallow enough to "love" a guy just for looks without really knowing him.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-02-22 00:44:23 » #2100488

I feel like it is the same people coming back to this post and down voting all the pro-ss comments.

2 Points Flag