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Anonymous commented at 2017-01-17 07:30:22 » #2082780

Why is Japan the least percentage of people to have sex statistically out of all other countries?

Thats BS right now

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-01-17 08:11:35 » #2082789

not sure what you're trying to say

21 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-01-17 11:14:32 » #2082835

@anon1 massive cultural depression especially in the current male generation, massive societal issues with gender roles and sexuality, massive demands from their crazy work ideals.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-01-17 11:17:52 » #2082841

It's b/c of over-crowding. A lot of them are raised to only have sex when in a serious relationship, and to only get into a serious relationship when you have your shit together (like you're working a good job, the kind you are going to make a career out of, you have a decent place, the kind you can possibly start raising a family in, etc, etc).

Many people live in very small apartments working jobs ... not careers... just jobs. They don't feel that they're in a position to have serious relationships. There's this transition in Japan where kids are no longer living with their parents and grandparents. Like in the states, they moved out on their own to have their own independance (b/c their family can be pushy, and have too much say in their life choices).

This leaves them essentially cut off from their family. So, they have to build themselves up on their own. So, they sort of get this guilt-trip from both sides... from their parents they get a guilt trip for leaving home, and not helping to take care of grandparents (and parents as they too become elderly). From the other end,l they get guilt-tripped in the dating pool for living hand-to-mouth and not having their act together.

Like in the states after WWII, the boomers were pushed to get a career, married and start a family in their 20's. Japan had the same. But, now kids in their 20's are feeling this pressure, but they aren't in a position to get married and have kids in their 20's. They're still trying to find themsleves and get their shit together.

Some of them have said "fuck it" and stopped listening to social pressure. They date, have a fun, and realize there's plenty of time to get a career and get married and have kids in their 30's. A lot of countries are like this. The kids are just getting pissed off with the social pressure of doing so much in their 20's, and their families having so much control over them. So, we're seeing a global shift of a generation that wants to just enjoy their 20's, and then figure things out on their own without their famaily having so much input and control of their lives.

The other reason is that Japan is still a very prude country. It's sort of a dichotomy. You see sexy stuff on the streets, but people are supposed to act very reserved and not shocked about it. People are supposed to act polite and get along (b/c it's a tiny place with a lot of people, so they evolved social norms to keep everything going smoothly). A lot of people keep their sexual activities secret, b/c they don't want to degrade their family name, their personal reputation, and simply b/c since there's so many people in Japan and everything is in your face and public, they want some small aspect of their lives kept private.

But, biologically, as a population reaches a critical point, it just naturally self-regulates. It's hard to want to breed when you're surrounded by people every day. And when you have so many people in a place, all their energy goes towards competing with each other then trying to hook up.

As sexual fulfillment goes down IRL, then sexual fantasy goes up. Folks in Japan are frustrated sexually, hence they have tons of raunchy hentai and porn. It creates a fantasy bubble people can vent their sexual frustration to.

It's sort of like how in the states women have more equality, work more, have their own income, and don't really need men. So, there's a lot of porn about degrading women, putting them in their place, making them seem worthless and needing a man to control them. It fulfills the frustration that some men feel by no longer having a society where women need them.

anyways... TMI

11 Points Flag
dragoncrossx commented at 2017-01-18 20:02:47 » #2083560

^Dude I'm downvoting you just for wasting your own time typing that

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-02-01 09:15:33 » #2090336

I'm almost impressed on how you likely typed all that with a single hand.

6 Points Flag
Dragonite4 commented at 2020-07-20 12:59:57 » #2553021

In general the working class in Japan is far too exhausted and stressed to do more then 30min, if that, in a stretch on a dating sim or a quick fap.

Don't let the prevalence of the sex industry there trick you thinking that most of their young adults are able to spend the hours and effort to find someone to have sex with on a remotely consistent basis. Porn's extreme prevalence there is more a symptom of the underlying problem the an argument against its existence.

PS. Japan has a common term for overwork related deaths and the number of them is scary.

1 Points Flag