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Anonymous commented at 2017-01-19 04:07:44 » #2083748

Those freaky hands and that strange void under her tits.

0 Points Flag
LSGM0 commented at 2017-02-10 19:37:16 » #2094924

Continuous trap deck? On the field is Xing Zhen Hu (or Replica), Anti-Spell Fragrance in the backrow, as well as Metal Reflect Slime in defense position (treated as a monster).She's got 2 set cards, more than likely both trap cards. That set on the right is actually an Extra Deck, not a set backrow card.

That is a Uria duelmat. I don't know about the Umai Ramen reference. She's probably eating. The clock is the Astral Force symbol that hangs around Yuma's neck. The plushies in the back are Rescue Rabbit and some Penguin monster, probably Puny Penguin, judging by its markings.

The duelist bears a resemblance to Tour Guide of the Underworld, but I doubt that's who it actually is, otherwise it would probably be tagged.

Did I miss anything?

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