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Anonymous commented at 2017-02-17 10:08:30 » #2098263

Yeah. This is definitely Euphoria

16 Points Flag
MyPitah commented at 2017-02-21 07:14:05 » #2100162

Well it's not at lethal levels yet : if you've read anything about the effects of a deadly electric chair, it makes the eyes pop out, that's why the convicts have their eye sockets firmly covered, yet she has her eyes opened and nothing happenning to them aside of couple tears...

11 Points Flag
Sun-Sun commented at 2018-11-01 01:31:13 » #2297735


Not really, death by electric shock is dependent more on where the current is passing.

10 amps across your heart will kill you. But 200V across your shoulder hurts and won't kill you unless you have a heart condition.

When we're talking about death by electric chair, the current is being passed from the head to the feet. These pads look like they're across major muscle groups, so more likely that her muscles are spasming than her dying.

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-09 14:25:51 » #2420546

volts and amps are completely different measurements but yes. it basically looks more like a taser distributing charge across muscles than anything deadly.

7 Points Flag