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Anonymous commented at 2017-04-07 14:23:20 » #2116790

I'm digging these non-bondage forced public indecency scenarios. They're a nice change of pace. Especially great how there's still a way for her to mess up and lose at the goal, though in this case it's more like she never stood a chance at all.
Thank you SO much for the translations.

6 Points Flag
Coalition commented at 2017-06-01 18:39:52 » #2134801

Fun stunt would be for her to sit in front of her computer to unlock the belt. However the unlock only comes after several minutes of stimulation and video playing on her computer. So she sees the easy way to have the whole setup get disconnected, and rapidly sits down. Thanks to the hookup in the chair though, the vibrator in her can go to full power, and the video is chosen to show her lots of sex, submission, etc.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-10-27 15:21:32 » #2178795

this guy's the most creative BDSM artist i've ever seen

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-06-13 12:15:13 » #2248276

next part to this:

1 Points Flag