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Anonymous commented at 2017-03-12 20:44:59 » #2108407

What a crazy trip. If i were high and watched this i would probably be terrified.

3 Points Flag
nanapriss commented at 2017-03-12 22:48:35 » #2108443

If you ever want to keep kids from doing drugs, show them that THIS is the consequence.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-03-12 23:20:20 » #2108450

ME!ME!ME! (song) www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTylWFLQNME

0 Points Flag
usernam commented at 2017-04-02 04:12:18 » #2114905

Quote from the comments there:

"If anyone wants an explanation of this, it's basically a commentary on Japan's oversexualized Otaku culture. I'm not going to explain all the imagery (there are videos you can look up) but I'll explain some and the plot. The video starts off with the main character, an otaku who is just lying in his room doing nothing besides escaping into the world of hentai addiction. As first, he enjoys this but is eventually overwhelmed as he's figuratively being crushed between boobs and drowning in a girl's saliva. He then experiences a memory of himself walking away from his girlfriend as she cries, apparently because he abandoned her due to his obsession. He feels this memory eating him alive (the girl eating his intestines) and decides to take action and defeat his porn addiction (by wearing a figurative mech suit.) Although he manages to shoot the sexy girls, he can't get his girlfriend back no matter how far he reaches for her. In the end, his efforts are futile and he succumbs to his addiction once again (on the official website, the video loops so you see the beginning shot again.) There's more that can be gleaned from this, but it's essentially a wake up call to try and change the otaku culture which is filled with so many oversexualized girls that it's ridiculous and even comical (like it is in the video.) Me!Me!Me! is about how this affects men, and there's a sequel called Girl that shows how it affects the teenage girls who are constantly sexualized."

10 Points Flag