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Anonymous commented at 2017-03-22 16:50:50 » #2111720


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BigStudBen commented at 2017-03-22 17:13:45 » #2111724

Because people like you take advantage. <3

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-03-22 22:35:15 » #2111834

Glad most of Hinata haters are gone, that got old.

0 Points Flag
yotsubagroup commented at 2017-03-22 22:44:06 » #2111836

Lel, anti-Hinata autists get BTFO.

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Anonymous commented at 2017-04-07 11:45:02 » #2116747

"People like you take advantage"

I mean... Some comments are written by neets and weebs who have nothing to say about the image and simply profess their obsession over a fictional character.

Hinatafags are just as cancerous as Hinata haters. At least now though bots can't be used to mass downvote otherwise reasonable comments from either group. I hated finding these comment sections and have to gamble on whether or not a hidden comment was a well made argument that got a lot of hate, or a legitimately autistic mass of word that vaguely form a sentence.

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Anonymous commented at 2017-05-09 06:38:37 » #2127080

Anon #2116747, nobody acts like the strawman Hinata fan you created at least not frequently. That you would even type such an idiotic response to BigStudBen proves that you were were part of the autistic virgins obsessing over the romantic conclusion of a series that's not even about romance anyway, stay salty guys.
Maybe this change will get you and your group to stop feverishly checking for Hinata pictures all day and go get a job or focus on school, you know, shit that'll actually make your parents proud of you for once.

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