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Anonymous commented at 2017-03-27 04:16:28 » #2113051

what the FUCK IS HE SITTING ON?!!!"

1 Points Flag
twilight_jester commented at 2017-03-30 02:57:43 » #2113976

huh?, oh those are the Varelsi, they are inter-dimensional shadow creature's from another dimension known as "The Vold" who are dragging everything in the universe into there dimension, even the stars themselves (And I'm not talking about movie star's or something like that), After staging a coup on his own government, the Jennerit commander, Lothar Rendain, has allied his people with the Varelsi in order to ensure Jennerit survival, and doing so he backstab the rest of what's left of the universe, which is where the Battleborn is forged, and they are the only one who can stop the Varelsi and try to find a way to get back the universe they are stooling or find a way to make new stars and planets to live on.

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