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Anonymous commented at 2018-02-21 18:36:12 » #2213885

Sensei, you have a very beautiful body, do you know that? You've great legs and very welcoming thighs and your breasts are just amazing. Your husband is a very lucky man!

Why, thank you, Satoshi. The only problem is that my husband has failed to impregnate me during the five years we've been married. I don't know what the problem is. It could be either that he has a very low sperm count or he could even be completely sterile and the trouble is that I'm desperate to have a child or children.

Is there anything I could do to help, sensei?

It would be asking a lot of you, Satoshi?

You can ask me to do anything you needed me to do, sensei, I wouldn't mind at all.

If I asked you to impregnate me what would you say?

I'd say that I would be greatly honoured in you choosing me above any of the other boys in my class to impregnate you and I'd do my best to make sure that you achieve your goal of becoming pregnant.

I'm delighted to hear you say that, Satoshi, because that's what I want you to do for me. I want you to penetrate me, inseminate me and hopefully impregnate me.

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