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BigStudBen commented at 2018-01-29 21:24:35 » #2207342

Saturday Morning, has never been this Fun. <3

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-07-03 01:43:22 » #2402859

So one day I got super high and watched Ben 10. They were racing to stop this one dude from getting all the keys to make a wish or something So Dr. Who showed up and TOOK THEM OUT OF THE UNIVERSE in search for where Dr. Who hid indescribably powerful aliens. They went through a time cloud where they picked up young Ben who gets real as shit talking about people dying right after saying Gwen has a phat ass. They got to the nebula and Kevin is like, no body disturb these galactic Gods. And then proceed to fight on one of their arms like it wasn't going to notice it. Kevin went all nuts and FLEW AWAY LIKE THEY AREN'T OUTSIDE THE KNOWN UNIVERSE. Then Dr. Who shows back up is like, these guys hate me lets bounce. That was basically the best episode of Ben 10. Especially when you are baked.

8 Points Flag