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thebatman commented at 2009-03-19 16:45:36 » #37580

Jesus that's creepy

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-08-14 02:35:36 » #94198

Fuck Michael and Jason this guy is BADASS

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-08-21 04:54:24 » #98206

creepy but still badass

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-10-06 16:09:23 » #125515

I would react differently if he wasn't that close.
Like he's watching you from all the way down the tram cart.

1 Points Flag
oroka commented at 2009-10-06 23:05:06 » #125751

Definatly a subway train from Toronto.


2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-07-09 07:08:42 » #359328

Look I can see it now:

You riding the train and notice there is only one guy one the train with you. Out of the corner of your eye you see him stand up and out of curiosity you look to see what he is doing.

As you look at hime notice there is something wrong with him face. A scar? No, it's a mask you begin to sweat a little you look away hoping he won't notice you...

After a minute you take a quick peek at him to see what he is doing. He is still just standing there staring at you. Holy shit this guy isn't right, is the first think that crosses your mind. A small gleam catches your eye you look and see he now has a some sort of dagger drawn and is still staring at you attentively.

Your just about ready to piss on yourself as you ease to the door that leads to another train compartment. You turn the handle only to find it jammed. "Of all the fucking", but you are cut off in mid thought as you hear the sound of flicking lights. You look at the masked person to see him take a step towards you...

You become frantic, desperately trying to open the door. You look up at him he is still moving towards you in a leisurely manner. You look up at him as the lights flicker out for a moment. They come back on onlf for you to find yourself face to face with the masked man...

Masked Man:I like your face...I think I'll take it.....

8 Points Flag
DarkSpecter commented at 2012-07-08 17:03:36 » #1111785

holy shit you can see right through him!

2 Points Flag