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Anonymous commented at 2011-02-20 14:06:50 » #627400

I love this picture. This is proof of NaruHina.
This was the first picture Kishi drew for the concept designs for Naruto.
Kishi always says that he has had the ending of Naruto planned from the beginning.
Hinata's name, Towards the sun. The sun is a spiral, which is the Uzumaki clan symbol. Also, Naruto is facing towards the sun.
Hinata also has a necklace with the Uzumaki symbol.

All in all, this picture proves that Naruto and Hinata have a deep bond, that has been planned since the beginning, since Kishi always says that the ending has been planned since the concept was still in his head.

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-28 23:29:11 » #712877

It's a little weird that you said he had the ending planned, even though a few years ago he stated in an interview that he lost track of where the plot is heading towards and he is mostly making up things as he goes along. Which explains why the manga's plot is just everywhere right now.

6 Points Flag
HamFighters commented at 2013-10-04 00:57:04 » #1410450

You can have an ending planned without having the middle-parts worked out. I bet writers often start with the ending in mind first, then figure how to tell a story that works it's way towards that ending.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-10-04 01:03:20 » #1410453

^ That's true for some authors.

Some people definitely do plan out the ending first. Others start with just the beginning, and go from there.

As a writer myself, I tend to have ideas in "chunks" of sorts- a piece of a first story arc here, a fragment of backstory and bit of ending there, until I pull it all together and fill in the gaps and holes.

It's easy to get lost on your way from one point to another, especially if you have a deadline and have to come up with something quickly and implement it (that's why I'm glad I don't have one).

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-09-22 20:39:50 » #1818406

Idth Kishi had anything planned he was just all over the place. As far as pairings go i think Kishi was like pro NH then pro NS for a long time then he either went back to NH or chose what was more popular because if not then wtf was the Minakushi = Narusaku parallel for a red herring? Doubt it. No red herring is ever that strong. Everyone thought NS was endgame and then bam Sasuke catches Sakura and they have eyes sex. Right then and there I knew Kishi had changed his mind on NS. I just wish he hadn't flip flopped so much. If NH was endgame it should have had much more development same for SS who had mostly abusive negative development.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-09-22 22:04:57 » #1818447

Er...except Kishimoto IS on the record saying that it was a red herring on purpose.

2 Points Flag