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Anonymous commented at 2020-06-04 23:49:30 » #2536763

I love Angela so much! I genuinely wasn't expecting to feel strongly about her, but she just captivated me so quickly! Why has she gotten so little attention before the remake came out? Why is Riesz (who is kinda boring, tbh) the one who got all the attention and all of the terabytes of fanart over the years?

4 Points Flag
OnyxSwift commented at 2020-06-05 22:44:09 » #2537147

I can think of two explanations; cultural differences (Japan prefers the pure maiden who's mature and family-oriented over the party girl who's underperforming in her studies) and tier lists.

Angela was the worst party member in the original. Her melee dps was trash tier, and MP was limited enough that her spells had to be conserved for bosses, so fans who would otherwise have fallen in love with her design and personality couldn't bring themselves to actually use her.

It also helps that Riesz got a class where she wears bikini armor.

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Anonymous commented at 2020-06-17 05:06:03 » #2542266

Angela had a bikini armor class too. Though, both her and Reisz were only depicted with bikini armor in official art (and Riesz's wasn't even acutally bikini ARMOR, just a plain ol bikini). In the actual game, class changing just changed the colors of the character's sprite and didn't actually give them a new outfit like the remake does.

And Angela was "family-oriented" too, technically. Her whole motivation revolves around wanting to prove herself to her mother. It's part of what endeared her to me. Every time she mentions wanting to get the sword of mana out of a delusional self-convinved belief that it will make her mother love her again, I just wanted to give the poor girl a hug. And I wouldn't really label Angela a "party girl", just rambunctious and kind of a brat sometimes. She's still a nice girl, just not unfalteringly polite and formal like Riesz is.

I'll concede her sucking gameplay-wise in the original game though.

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OnyxSwift commented at 2020-06-17 23:55:48 » #2542610

When I call Riesz family-oriented, I'm referring to the fact that she's already fulfilling a surrogate mother role even before she and her brother are orphaned. Angela's quest for her mother's validation is a conflict that deals with family, yes, but it places her in the role of the child, whereas Riesz is more or less ready to start and take care of a family of her own from the minute you hit New Game.

And we can haggle over what exactly to call her for it, but the outcome of that discussion won't change the fact that Angela starts the game off by ditching a lesson and then immediately trying to get the attention of a guy.

Don't get me wrong, I love Angela just as much as Riesz, but there's no denying that Riesz is the winner in a contest measuring their maturity.

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Anonymous commented at 2020-06-19 02:12:44 » #2543205

"And we can haggle over what exactly to call her for it, but the outcome of that discussion won't change the fact that Angela starts the game off by ditching a lesson and then immediately trying to get the attention of a guy."

I was under the impression that Angela was more in the mood to annoy that guy for funsies. Supported by the way he reacts to her calling out to him has him basically going "oh god oh fuck what does she want tnow" inside his head as he tries to remain cordial talking to her.

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