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Il_pazzurdo_segaiolo commented at 2021-11-28 02:06:14 » #2667604

What the fuck

22 Points Flag
OddLife2137 commented at 2023-07-31 12:44:31 » #2821286

Good stuff
As the website recommended that I should expand this comment to make it more interesting I will explain why this video is Good stuff. So the main reason is it's erection-giving/comedic aspect caused by the usage of multiple firearms by the main heroine (Also worth noting that the use was conducted whilst the heroine was also dancing presumably happily.). Other elements that caused this video to be worth complementing in my opinion is the musical/sound aspect of it, by which I mean the version of a song called 'Levan Polkka' playing in the background (Which is a Finnish song from 1928 written by Eino Kettunen (Also worth noting that to a traditional Finnish polka tune)), and other like the sound that the firearms made and also the explosion sound heard at the end. Alike to the previous aspects, the graphic design doesn't leave anything to complain about. Overall I'd say that this is a job well done by the author/authors that made this video, and I shall rate it a good previously mentioned 'Good stuff' out of 10.
tl;dr: Good stuff

4 Points Flag