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neomaniak commented at 2011-01-06 17:01:29 » #572242

i wonder why her shoushitsu version or whatever is always with koizumi, has something happened between these two?

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Anonymous commented at 2011-12-19 23:33:00 » #955586

One you watch the movie it will make sense OR IF YOU WOULD RATHER READ SPOILERS...

In the alternative timeline of the movie, Haruhi goes to a different school with Koizumi, this is apparent when Kyon discovers class 9 disappears. (They had class together in the normal storyline).Itsuki develops a crush on her as he with her mostly.

She went to another elite school other than the one than the public one because she assumed John Smith (Kyon's alias name at the time) already graduated from the public High Shool, when they drew the circles together when Haruhi was in middle school.

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