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SakuraJD commented at 2022-06-30 14:16:27 » #2724840

if its anything like the others, she's gotta hold this position, which gets harder as more water fills it, which drips in very slowly, and probably as the dildo vibrates.. the whole room is bowl shaped, so any water leaks, it will fill that thing underneath, and if it pressed the button.. well i dont see any injection tubes, so probably a Recording of the ordeal is released with her contact info, or the door will unlock but the hook on the floor wont, leaving her completely defenseless.. but if she succeeds in a certain amount of time, everything unlocks, but now she has to go out in what appears to be a see-through swimsuit and longboots... which isnt much better.

would be hilarious if it was a reversal in one of these, and that in actuality, Failure leads to her just getting out, but if she succeeds the whole thing, THEN the footage is released... like she'd be working against herself the whole time without knowing it.

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