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Anonymous commented at 2010-06-26 10:46:43 » #345447

I'm sorry but... how is this vore?

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-06-26 22:22:43 » #345961

Not vore... at all. WTF.

It's double vaginal penetration also.

4 Points Flag
grazzt commented at 2010-07-14 10:06:57 » #364955

Jeez, you guys are fucking anal-retentive. I copy pasted the tags when uploading other images from this CG and forgot to delete vore.

Sorry for being fuckin' born, by the way. Rofl.

10 Points Flag
grazzt commented at 2010-07-14 10:08:17 » #364957

All you guys do is complain. Now go search your vore tags and have a wank in silence. Weaselish little cunts, man.

8 Points Flag
XJezusX commented at 2010-07-16 22:46:17 » #367664

xD Go grazzt, you show those anonymous "weaselish little cunts" who's who.

6 Points Flag
grazzt commented at 2010-07-20 10:41:51 » #371690

Fuck oath man. And it's typical, people downrate any kind of conflictive comments. Fuck that man, it should be the Anons who get downrated. They come on here and have the nerve to criticize tags when we're the ones who spend our time uploading this for their enjoyment.

If they're so picky about it, they should get off their ass and make their own accounts and upload their own finds with their own selection of tags.

-Breathes heavily like an infuriated Mel Gibson, and waits for the first person who sees this to rate it down like a scared pre-teen-

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-07-20 21:36:43 » #372364

"infuriated Mel Gibson" Nearly laughed my ass to death! Saw that face in my head(Both the South Park and RL versions) and then proceeded to evolve from a 'Pffff' kind of laugh into a laying down choking silent scream of laughter. Thanks for the laughs, that was a good one. Also, I agree. Us Anons are fuckin' lazy as shit. But luckily some of us still understand the notion that if the eyes are pleased the tongue should not be moving. Unless of course you're a guy simultaneously tonguing your girl's pie, a girl likewise shlobbing your guy's knob, and/or any combination of homo/bisexual Happy-In-Pants(ness). Which I'm pretty much deviating from, lol. My bad. Good shit though dude. =D

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-17 14:29:59 » #404536

I hate all of you.

Good pic though.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-10-30 08:50:18 » #489729

DVPing a girl is amazing. Ain't nothing like when you're all cumming at the same time.

1 Points Flag